Empty Classrooms, Burnt-out Teachers
Last night, I found myself in the car park of an inner-city school, where at 6:30 pm, teachers were finally heading home.
I know they had been there since at least 8 am, likely with no more than a couple of toilet breaks before 3 pm, and a hurried working lunch.
I work therapeutically with educational staff as well as students. Over the years, there have always been complaints and worries, but the situation is becoming increasingly concerning. Retention rates for teachers are declining overall, with a significant number of newly qualified teachers leaving within their first year.
When talking with staff, some common themes emerge:
Many schools and colleges have eliminated communal spaces like staff rooms, leaving no space for a breather or collaboration. Without these spaces, opportunities to share best practices or simply support each other are lost—critical for maintaining well-being in high-stress environments.
Standardized testing of students and rigid expectations for teachers stifle much-needed creativity and enjoyment. Strict lesson plans that prioritize testing, exams, government guidelines, and inspection pressures limit teachers’ ability to create engaging lessons that adapt to student interest and curiosity.
Research from the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) shows that teachers in England experience lower levels of professional autonomy compared to other professions. This leads to frustration and lower job satisfaction, and it also prevents teachers from making creative adaptations to support their students' unique needs.
Significant funding cuts have left many schools without basic resources, with staff often buying supplies like pens and glue sticks for their students. Once-vibrant drama departments, sports facilities, and technology resources have become more limited or even closed. There are reports that funding allocated for students with additional needs is being stretched thin to cover other budget deficits.
While teachers are often criticized for having long holidays, the reality is that UK teachers work more hours per week than their counterparts in many other countries. Increasing class sizes and growing administrative burdens only add to their stress.
It's no surprise, then, that many are leaving the profession, even if it means taking pay cuts and losing the allure of holiday allowances. Many have found that the sacrifice is worth it for the sake of their well-being.
The loss of these dedicated educators and pastoral staff is ultimately harmful to students, who themselves are showing signs of distress. Persistent absenteeism among students is on the rise, reflecting a broader dissatisfaction.
What I see is that while both staff and students are leaving education, they still care deeply about it. They are frustrated and exhausted, but also profoundly saddened by the decision to step away. They are desperate for change. People want to teach, and young people want to learn, but we need educational environments to be safe, supportive, and inspiring.
I would love to hear about others' experiences and ideas for change. Please share your thoughts.